Live Summit Page

OCTOBER 23-27, 2023
Thanks To Our Sponsors

The first step towards balancing your hormones and feeling better is getting your levels checked. For the month of October/in honor of menopause awareness month, Lifeforce is offering their diagnostic for just $299 and waiving the monthly membership commitment as they want to help as many women as possible learn more about where they are in their health journey. Click the link to find out more.

"Menopause In Color Summit Kickoff"
Dr. Stephanie Young-Moss

"Perimenopause, Menopause,
What Does It All Mean"
Dr. Stephanie Young Moss
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The Menopause In Color Virtual Summit is a must-attend event for all women who want to embrace menopause with strength, grace, and knowledge. Secure your spot today and take the first step towards a positive and empowered menopause journey!

Hi! I’m Dr. Stephanie. The founder of Menopause in Color. I’m a mom, pharmacist, and perimenopause and menopause educator and advocate. I help women find their way through perimenopause and menopause by implementing simple health and wellness practices.
In my late 30's to early 40's I started to experience symptoms that were concerning to me. Some of them included heart palpitations, itchy ears, low libido, and mood swings, just to name a few. After speaking to my doctor and running several different tests without any findings, perimenopause was never mentioned to me. It was not until I started doing my own research, reading and studying that I realized that I could possibly be experiencing perimenopause.
The years of not knowing what was happening to me took a toll on my mental health. I wanted to use the information that I had acquired to help others. I hope to build a fun and supportive community that is welcoming to all.
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